Sunday, January 11, 2009

In the Klink!

Jim and I were asked to attend a training session and get ID's for the Utah State Prison. We went yesterday in our Sunday best and were there for about two hours. As we walked in a gate opened
to let us in and then closed behind us and then another gate opened to let us by and then it closed behind us. It's a little unnerving to be locked in that place. We stood in line for a while to get our pictures taken then were instructed on the RULES! Under no circumstances are we to break any rules - ever. Don't think I will. Jim and I may have an opportunity to speak there for a Sunday meeting. Others that were at the training will be volunteering to assist with family home evenings, family history, etc.

It was a good feeling to walk away. When the last set of doors closed behind me as I left, relief set in. I was glad to leave the fences and razor wire behind. I'm grateful that my time at the prison will be very limited. But I am glad that there are those there that do truly want to turn their lives around.

1 comment:

Lorna said...

Wow, you are a brave woman! Not sure how I would feel about that calling...good for you!