There's a great web site called "" where she posts some things she learned from her mother. I thought that many of them apply to me so I thought I'd share them with you. Also, I'd love to hear from you on what things stand out in your minds that you remember learning from our mother. Come on siblings, write me back with some!! I remember mom was always telling me to stand up straight! Good posture is very important!
1. Visiting with strangers in the grocery store
is important and smiled upon.
2. Visiting with anyone, anywhere
is important and smiled upon.
2. Keeping track of dear friends and family
("your roots" as she would say)
makes your life full and wonderful.
3. Getting the giggles at inopportune moments
during the prayer at church...
in the middle of a wedding...
any place where it should be quiet and all normal people are acting sophisticated....
is a curse....and a curse we carry with a chuckle in our hearts.
4. Laughter is the best medicine. You can take it anywhere and it's cheap, cheap, cheap. Laughing your guts out can really brighten up the day.
5. Show grace under pressure.
6. Be kind and good to everyone you meet.
7. Reading to your kids is a pleasure.
8. Reading a good book for yourself is a heavenly pleasure.
9. Cook up a meal every night for your family.
10. Let's just all LOVE EACH OTHER.
11. Stand by your man.
Mom always told us girls to always wear lipstick so we don't lose our lip line. So, I always wear lipstick. :)
I like these Cookie, I think I learned
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