Monday, July 14, 2008

Jim, James Albert, and Bill

Jim was recently given this photo of himself, his Dad, and his younger brother, Bill. On the back it said "Butch, James McGuire and "B". Butch and "B" were nicknames Jim and Bill went by when they were kids. When Todd saw the picture the first thing he noticed was his Grandpa's shoes. He thought they were really 'stylin'. He always was a snazzy dresser. We miss him!
-- I'm glad to have this photo because we have so few pictures of Jim and Bill as kids. If their Dad was still here he'd surely be pleased with the way "Butch and B" turned out. "B" was sustained as Bishop yesterday up in Kaysville. I'm sure his ward will love him.


Lorna said...

What a neat picture....I love the way you layed out the page, too. You are getting so talented. :)

The Larsen's said...

that is so cool!! I love this picture.. I can see all three boys in their dad... so cute!